Follow media and official reports.
Travellers are usually at low risk of contracting Ebola if you follow these precautions:
- Avoid contact with infected/deceased persons or their body fluids, and all wild animals, alive or dead.
- Avoid attending funerals
- Avoid handling or eating bush/game meat.
- Wash and peel fruits and vegetables before eating.
- Wash hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water (or use a sanitizer if soap is not available).
- Practice safe sex (using barrier contraception).
Vaccination against Ebola is not available to travelers. For humanitarian missions, it is recommended to consult a travel medicine specialist to discuss the possibilities of vaccination (available at HUG Geneva).
In case of symptoms of illness (fever >38° C, headache, diarrhea, bleeding symptoms, etc.) during travel until 21 days after being in the affected area:
- Isolate yourself and immediately contact the in-country hotline by phone or contact a tropical institute or university hospital infectious disease unit.
- Always state that you may have had a possible exposure to Ebola. Incubation period: 2-21 days. ECDC case definition of a suspected Ebola case.