The data from the latest ECDC annual epidemiologic reports on sexual transmitted diseases (STIs) show the notification rate for confirmed gonorrhea cases in European Union/European Economic Area countries rose by 31% in 2023 compared with 2022 and has risen by 321% since 2014.
Syphilis cases also continue to rise. In 2023, 41’051 confirmed cases were reported in 29 EU/EEA countries, representing a 13% increase compared to 2022, and a doubling compared to 2014.
In 2024 and as of 2 October 2024, 18 countries in Europe have reported 1’202 locally acquired human cases of West Nile Virus (WNV) infection with known place of infection. The earliest and latest date of onset were respectively on 1 March 2024 and 26 September 2024.
Locally acquired cases were reported by Italy (422), Greece (202), Spain (114), Albania (102), Hungary (101), Romania (71), Serbia (53), Austria (34), Türkiye (30), France (27), Croatia (20), Germany (8), Slovenia (5), Kosovo (4), Slovakia (4), Bulgaria (2), North Macedonia (2) and Czechia (1).
In Europe, 88 deaths were reported by Greece (31), Italy (16), Albania (13), Romania (10), Spain (10), Bulgaria (2), Serbia (2), Türkiye (2), France (1) and North Macedonia (1).
Case numbers reported this year are above the mean monthly case count for the past 10 years. During the same period in 2023, 681 cases had been reported. However, numbers are lower than in 2018, when 1 728 cases had been reported by this time of year.
Distribution of locally acquired human West Nile virus infections in 2024 till 2 October 2024:
Of note, further regions of infection were reported in 2023.
The following precautions are recommended:
Hepatitis A occurs all over the world, but the risk of infection is higher in countries with poor hygiene standards. There is an increased risk in most tropical and subtropical countries, as well as in some countries in Eastern Europe and around the Mediterranean.
In recent years, there have also been increasing cases in North America and Europe, including Switzerland, especially among men who have sex with men (MSM). Outbreaks in northern European countries can also occur when unvaccinated children become infected during family visits to tropical and subtropical countries. Upon return, they may transmit the virus within their care facilities.
There is a safe and very effective vaccine that consists of two injections at least 6 months apart. It provides lifelong protection after the second dose. Hepatitis A vaccination can also be given in combination with hepatitis B vaccination (3 doses required).
Vaccination against hepatitis A is recommended for all travellers to risk areas, as well as for persons at increased personal risk: persons with chronic liver disease, men who have sex with men, people who use or inject drug, persons with increased occupational contact with persons from high-risk areas or populations, and others.
All travellers should have completed a basic immunisation and boosters according to the Swiss vaccination schedule, LINK.
All travellers should have completed a basic immunisation and boosters according to the Swiss vaccination schedule, LINK.
Travellers should be immune to chickenpox. Persons between 13 months and 39 years of age who have not had chickenpox and who have not received 2 doses of chickenpox vaccine should receive a booster vaccination (2 doses with minimum interval of 4 weeks), see Swiss vaccination schedule, LINK.
No treatment against rabies disease exists!
Post-exposure measures: clean the wound immediately with plenty of water and soap for 10-15 minutes, then disinfect the wound (e.g. Betadine®, Merfen®), and immediately (i.e. during the trip!) get emergency post-exposure vaccination against rabies: for those having received full pre-exposure rabies vaccination before travel, two additional vaccine shots (any available brand) at an interval of 3 days suffice and should be administered as soon as possible on site (i.e. also while travelling). If full pre-exposure vaccination has not been given, in addition to vaccination, passive immunization is required with immunoglobulins within the shortest delay on site.
Of note, immunoglobins (and sometimes vaccines) are often unavailable in low-resource settings, causing stress and uncertainty. Tetanus booster vaccination may be also warranted.
Petting any mammals while travelling is not a good idea, even if they are cute! Do not feed them! Refrain from touching wild or unfamiliar or dead animals.
Vaccination against rabies (preexposure vaccination) is highly recommended for:
The shortened vaccination schedule can be proposed to most travellers: 2 doses given at least 7 days apart before departure. A single lifetime booster dose (3rd dose) is recommended after one year or later when further travelling to rabies endemic countries is undertaken. If you have an immune deficiency, please consult your doctor, as different vaccination intervals apply to you.
The incubation period (time between infection and onset of symptoms) ranges from a 2 to 21 days (usually 5 to 10 days). The onset of MVD is usually abrupt, with initially non-specific, flu-like symptoms such as a high fever, severe headache, chills and malaise. Rapid worsening occurs within 2–5 days for more than half of patients, marked by gastrointestinal symptoms such as anorexia, abdominal discomfort, severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. As the disease advances, clinical manifestations can become more severe and include liver failure, delirium, shock, bleeding (hemorrhaging), multi-organ dysfunction and death.
In case of symptoms
If think that you have had an exposure at risk and develop fever with nonspecific symptoms such as chills, headache, muscle pain, malaise or abdominal pain:
The risk for travellers is very low if the below precautions are followed, but it is high for family members and caregivers who have contact with sick people.
General precautions during travel to affected areas:
Mpox has been commonly found in West and Central Africa for many years where the suspected reservoir - small mammals - is endemic. There are two types of Monkeypox virus called ‘clades’ that cause the disease mpox - clade I in Central Africa and clade II in West Africa. Since the end of smallpox vaccination campaigns in the early 1980’s, cases of mpox have increased, slowly at first and significantly in the last 5-10 years, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
In 2022, a new emerging subclade of clade II was responsible for a global epidemic that spread mainly through sexual contact among men who have sex with men. It resulted in the first public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) declared by the WHO until 2023. Although the clade II epidemic is now under control, this virus variant continues to circulate worldwide.
In 2024, the continued spread of mpox clade I in endemic regions of Central Africa, particularly in the DRC, and the emergence of a new subclade Ib in Eastern DRC and neighboring countries have raised global concern and prompted the WHO to declare a PHEIC for the second time in two years. The current geographical spread of the mpox clade Ib variant occurs via commercial routes through sexual contact (e.g. sex workers), followed by local transmission in households and other settings (which is becoming increasingly important).
Animal to human transmission
Mpox can spread from animal to human when they come into direct contact with an infected animal (rodents or primates).
Human to human transmission
Mpox can be spread from person to person through close physical contact (sexual and non-sexual contact) with someone who has symptoms of mpox. Skin and mucous membrane lesions, body fluids, and scabs are particularly infectious. A person can also become infected by touching or handling clothing, bedding, towels, or objects such as eating utensils/dishes that have been contaminated by contact with a person with symptoms. Household members, family caretakers, and sexual partners of a confirmed case of mpox are at higher risk for infection as are health care workers who treat a case without adequate personal protection.
The incubation period (time between infection and onset of symptoms) ranges from a few days up to 3 weeks. Mpox causes a rash / skin eruption that can be painful associated with swollen lymph nodes and fever. Fever may start already before the rash phase. Other symptoms include muscle aches, back pain, and fatigue. The rash may be localized or generalized, with few or hundreds of skin lesions. It mainly affects the face, the trunk and the palms of hand and soles of the feet. It can also be present in genital areas and on mucous membranes such as in the mouth and throat. Symptoms usually last 2 to 4 weeks and the person remains contagious until all lesions have healed (once the cabs have fallen off).
Complications include secondary bacterial infections, infections of the lung and brain and involvement of other organs, still birth and others. Children, pregnant women, and people with weak immune systems are at higher risk to develop a severe form of mpox.
The majority of person with mpox recovers spontaneously and do not need specific antiviral treatment. Care management consists of relieving pain and other symptoms and preventing complications (e.g., superinfection). Several antiviral treatments are studied in various countries and may be used in trials or in clinical situations according to the recommendations of national medical societies.
In case of symptoms:
General precautions:
There are several vaccines against mpox (e.g. Jynneos®, manufacture Bavarian Nordic). The Bavarian Nordic vaccine was originally developed to fight against smallpox, but offers a cross-protection against mpox. In Switzerland, the Jynneos® vaccine has been licensed by Swissmedic since 2024. Groups at risk (e.g., men who have sex with men or transgender people with multiple sex partners) are eligible for vaccination since 2022 and this recommendation remains unchanged (see FOPH recommendations). In light of the epidemiological situation in Africa in 2024, the Swiss Expert Committee for Travel Medicine recommends vaccination against mpox for professionals who are / will be in contact with suspect mpox patients or animals in endemic/epidemic regions or who work in a laboratory with the virus (for updates, see news).
The risk to the general population and travelers (tourists) is considered extremely low if the above-mentioned general precautions are followed and vaccination is not recommended.
There is a risk of arthropod-borne diseases other than malaria, dengue, chikungunya or zika in sub-/tropical regions, and some areas of Southern Europe. These include the following diseases [and their vectors]:
Wichtig: Eine STI kann auch ohne oder mit nur leichten Symptomen auftreten. Auch wenn Sie sich dessen nicht bewusst sind, können Sie andere anstecken. Deshalb ist es wichtig sich testen zu lassen.
Durch Bakterien oder Parasiten hervorgerufen
Alle diese Krankheiten können geheilt werden. Wichtig ist dabei, frühzeitig zu testen und umgehend zu therapieren, um Komplikationen und v.a. weitere Übertragungen zu vermeiden.
Durch Viren hervorgerufen